In my Blog “Once Upon a Time..” published 2nd December (do read it first!), I referred to the concept of working with dreams and fairy tales to explore the relationships in our lives both with others and ourselves.

My first draft of that Blog ended: “What’s my Fairy Tale?  Now that would be telling!”  A colleague who read it, exclaimed – “Oh that’s not fair!”  There I was encouraging you to identify your own fairy tale and not disclosing mine! The “blank-screen” therapist in me I suppose!  So, I amended the Blog ending, and here it is – my Fairy Tale is Goldilocks....

Gestalt and many transpersonal approaches such as Jungian therapy work with dreams in this way as a means of understanding our inner self.  The techniques can equally be used with Fairy Tales, myths and legends.

The online Certificate in Humanistic Counselling includes an exercise on working with your dreams.  And both that course and the online Certificate in Counselling include exercises with Gestalt techniques such as the ‘empty chair’ or ‘no-send letter’ which of course can both be used to dialogue with the characters and elements of your dream or story.

It’s fascinating and deeply powerful work to spend time reflecting and imaging yourself as all the different parts of the story; to engage in dialogue with, for example, each of the three Bears, the little cottage, Goldilocks herself, the wood, the bowls of porridge, the chairs, the beds.....and so on..

For me, the process brought up issues of running away, sharing possessions, sharing myself with others, being part of a family.....- several sessions’ worth of therapy!

So please do be aware if you are using it for yourself, or with clients, there may be many powerful emotions expressed.  It’s important to recognise the need for space and support – a trusted friend, colleague, mentor or therapist.  Using a journal will also support your journey of exploration.

The process can reveal can new insights and understanding.  Explore the imagery and symbolism in your dream or story.  Examine the connections both inner and outer.

And next time you hear those words “Once Upon a Time...”, you’ll be transported on your magic carpet to a whole new world!....